Friday, March 08, 2013

Spring Fever

Hello again, loyal friends and followers of Polarimbi! Apparently,I checked my stats and some of you are still out there. Wow. Thank you.

Warming up. It's been so long since I blogged, a year I think, that I need to start off saying something rather risk-free, mundane, and cliche like...well well well, it sure has been a while. Then I'll be ready to say something like, "Howdy! My name is Polarimbi. Today my mood is...grayish brown with a pink tint." 

Pineapple Upside Down cake. Sometimes there is just no word to describe The Mood: Up, down, these uni-directional terms just don't cut it.  Now, upside down, inside out, that's getting a little closer. Bitter, sweet, sticky, that makes it even better.  TIP: Try using a combination of those latter terms the next time you are sitting with your psychiatrist. See what he says, watch the one eyebrow go up as he says, "That's interesting, now tell me more about that." 

Meds check! Meds check! Current psych meds: Lithium, Wellbutrin, Trazodone (I feel like I'm forgetting one...hmm).  Meds for high blood pressure:  Metropolol, Amlodoine, Clonidine.  Meds for eyes:  Zaditor, TheraTears. Meds for vitality:  Emergen-C (Pink Ribbon, lemonade flavor); Cranberry to keep the UTIs away. Current side effects: fatigue, dry mouth, dry sense of humor.

Random news flash! In the years that I have been away from blogging, looking for love, mostly, several high profile people have come up as bipolar:  Catherine Zeta-Jones; Charlie Sheen; and Jesse Jackson, Jr.  I want to find love in this club, love in this club....

Good news.  I have still managed to keep my job at the prestigious university with the country club like setting.  I have been able to do this because: 1) I'm freaking smart; 2) I'm nice and people like me; 3) I have amazing colleagues who are open-minded, flexible, and well-educated; and 4) I like the work that I do. I have been able to work from home on those days when I feel like our friend here, Gollum.

Love?  Oh, I've been seeing someone for quite sometime (I am being purposely vague about what "sometime" means). And no, he does not know about IT. Gasp! And IT is starting to weigh on my mind. Obviously I've not had any episodes, breakdowns, or breakouts to raise the alarm or question, but I feel that eventually IT has got to come out. In the beginning, I felt that IT would get in the way of someone being able to know the "real" me. In my experience, whenever someone does find out, how I am viewed is pretty much over. Out comes that microscope. If anyone has a story to share when that has NOT been the case, boy, I'd love to hear it. So wish me luck and courage as I navigate this one.

To be continued.


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