Sunday, April 08, 2007


It has been raining off and on for the past three weeks now, and one by one, it seem that people one by one, are either checking into Cloud Cuckooland Resort & Spa, or checking out completely. Fortunately, I did not get too dangerously close to wanting to check out completely -- a call to my doctors about my odd behavior, compulsions, inability to focus, irratibility was all I needed to get me through this tunnel-- helped me make adjustments to my medications. It's been about a week and I am feeling better, but am drinking (water) ike a horse.

I apprehensively agreed to volunteer in my son's school auction benefit and be on the organizing committee, which of course, a lot more work that one ever knows. I am anjoying it, actually, especially ther interaction with other moms. But I find that for every idea someone has, I have 10; and if they are moving at 10 mph, I'm racing ahead at 60 mph. It's not a competitive think, honest, it's kust wanting to see all these ideas in action. So I'm trying to slow dow and scale back. We''l see. All new for me.



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